The Castle of Miramare and its Park were built by order of Ferdinand Maximillian of Hapsburg and his wife Carlotta. They decided around 1855 to have a residence on the outskirts of Trieste. Struck by the tough, untamed beauty of the promontory of Grignano a sheer Karst outcrop, then almost devoid of vegetation Maximillian purchased several plots of land. On Christmas Eve, 1860, Maximillian and his wife Carlotta took up residence. The castle, designed by the Austrian architect Carl Junker, has an eclectic style. In Miramare Castle, Maximillian creates a perfect combination between nature and art. The ground floor has an intimate, family atmosphere while the first floor was set aside for guest.

The pair lived in the residence only for a short period. In the 1863 Maximillian became Emperor of Mexico where in 1867 was shot. Later Miramare became the occasional residence of the Hapsburg family, the Duke Amedeo of Savoy-Aosta lived there from 1931 till 1937; In 1943 the German turned the Castle into a training school for officers. In 1945 the New Zeeland troops took possession of the Castle, followed by the English and finally the Americans who stayed there till 1954.

In 1955 the Park was reopened to the public.

Duration: 2 hours
Itinerary: with bus and walking
Footware: comfortable shoes are recommended